Doret’s Deliscript Font Family Named Winning TypefaceIn Annual TDC² 2010 Competition 

Alphabet Soup Type Founders and Michael Doret are pleased to announce that Michael’s Deliscript font family was named as a winner of the Certificate of Excellence in Type Design in the Display Fonts category for the Type Directors Club TDC² 2010 Typeface Design Competition. The annual international competition is in its 56th year. There were 176 typefaces from 29 countries entered in the 2010 competition and 16 were ultimately selected from 7 different countries. This is Michael Doret’s first nod from the Type Directors Club for one of his font designs.

 Deliscript is a sibling of Doret’s wildly popular Metroscript font, which was most recently incorporated in the 2009 World Series logo design.  Deliscript is quite versatile and features variable length tails accessible in six different styles as well as crossbars, which can be extended outward in either direction from the lowercase “t.” Michael was inspired to create Deliscript in part by the neon signage outside of Hollywood’s famous Canter’s Delicatessen as well as by the many Brooklyn, Manhattan and Los Angeles icons and landmarks with which he grew up.

Alphabet Soup Type Founders was launched by Michael Doret in 2004 and includes Metroscript, Deliscript and a host of other Michael Doret-designed fonts influenced by signature Doret lettering designs as well as new font concepts. Alphabet Soup fonts can be purchased from: Font Bros., FontShop, MyFonts, and Veer.

For more information about Michael and Alphabet Soup Type Founders, please visit MichaelDoret.com For more information on TYpe Directors Club, please visit TDC.Org.


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